#MancareDeSuflet (FoodForSoul)#SOSHoReCa campaign wants to help small and large outlets through a call for solidarity from consumers. They can help support the activity of theirs favorite restaurants in times of crisis by using the online home delivery or take-away services of HoReCa locations that are currently operational, in fact, the only activities allowed during this period. The hospitality sector is among those most affected by the Covid-19 crisis. However, some locations have not stopped working, switching from physical serving to home delivery, so people in the kitchens of these restaurants continue to cook. In these moments, the restaurants need more than ever for their most loyal customers to be with them, ordering their favorite food at home. The Brewers of Romania Association, through #MancareDeSuflet #SOSHoReCa campaign, invites to solidarity and empathy, reminding us that most restaurants have the same people behind them who continue to put their soul into the food they prepare. The message of support for HoReCa sector by the Brewers of Romania is transmitted through a video manifesto, which can be watched here.

As part of our efforts to support the HoReCa industry, the Brewers of Romania Association addressed a letter to the authorities asking special priority for the hospitality sector when analyzing solutions to mitigate the negative economic effects on companies and their employees. The campaign #MancareDeSuflet #SOSHoReCa aims to contribute to the support of restaurants in Romania in a difficult period, but in which a good meal, prepared with soul, still brings a smile, both on the face of the one who orders it but also on the face of the one who prepares it. The partner of the Romanian Brewers Association in this campaign is HORA, the organization of hotels and restaurants in Romania.

According to the campaign evaluation, we scored 6 million reach in 2 months, compared to the overall reach estimate of 3 million for the entire campaign.

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